Practical Advice

  • If the application tool jams or snags, the power transmission to the drill spindle will be interrupted. Always hold the power tool firmly with both hands to withstand the forces this may create and adopt a position with stable footing.
  • Switch the power tool off immediately and remove the application tool if the power tool becomes blocked. Switching on when the drilling tool is blocked may cause high torque reactions.

The integrated vibration damping function reduces the generated vibration.

  • Do not continue to use the power tool if the damping element is damaged.

The rest reminder function (indicator (14)) helps you prevent bodily fatigue during daily work.

You can configure and reset the function via a smartphone app (default setting: Function deactivated).

Note: The rest reminder function can be reset with the button (16) if the set working time has expired and the rest reminder indicator (14) lights up red.

Rest reminder indicator (14)



Rest reminder function is activated.

Setting options for working time via smartphone app:

  • 30 minutes
  • 1 hour


  • In combination with power tool status indicator (15) lit up in red

Set working time expired.

If the set working time has expired, the power tool stays in operation until the motor stops or the power tool is switched off.

The power tool can be switched on again after a pause of 10 minutes.

The daily vibration warning function (indicator (17)) helps you comply with the legally determined exposure limit value (ELV) during work. This prevents hand-arm vibration syndrome.

You can activate and deactivate the function via a smartphone app (default setting: Function deactivated).

Note: If the daily vibration warning function is activated, the timer for the daily operating time can be restarted by pressing the button (16).

Vibration warning indicator (17)



Daily vibration warning function is activated.


  • In combination with power tool status indicator (15) lit up in red

Daily operating time has reached the exposure limit value (ELV).

The power tool switches off automatically.

  • Finish work or ask another person to continue the work.

Only sharp chiselling tools will produce good results, therefore sharpen your chiselling tools in good time before use. This will ensure a long service life for the tools and good work results.

Grind chiselling tools against sanding discs, e.g. aluminium oxide, under a steady stream of water. Make sure that the cutting edges show no annealing colours; this will impair the hardness of the chiselling tools.
To forge a chisel, heat it to 850–1050 °C (pale red to yellow).
To harden a chisel, heat it to approx. 900 °C and quench in oil. Then, leave it in an oven for approx. one hour at 320 °C (annealing colour: pale blue).