Universal Retractable Carpet Knife Professional: Further information
Product Highlights
The Bosch Professional universal carpet knife with its robust aluminium housing is tough enough to handle a variety of applications, from cutting carpets to wires. The retractable blade extends to three different positions, and the ergonomic soft-grip handle and the extra-large thumb rest make one-handed working safe and effective, even when wearing gloves. The blade can be changed quickly and toollessly, and three replacement blades are stored in the handle.
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Universal Retractable Carpet Knife
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Our products can be clearly identified using the ten-digit part number on the tool. Please make sure that the part number below matches the number in the information box on your tool. If the part number below does not match the one on your tool, please use our spare parts catalogue to search directly for the part you require.
Part number
Product name
Universal Retractable Carpet Knife
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Our products can be clearly identified using the ten-digit part number on the tool. Please make sure that the part number below matches the number in the information box on your tool. If the part number below does not match the one on your tool, please use our spare parts catalogue to search directly for the part you require.
Part number
Product name
Universal Retractable Carpet Knife
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