ProCORE18V 8.0Ah Professional: Further information
Product Highlights
The ProCORE18V 8.0Ah Professional is a Bosch ProCORE18V series high-performance battery, delivering the equivalent of up to 1,800 watts of corded power. Its new generation cell technology, combined with Bosch’s intelligent battery management, delivers 87% more power than conventional batteries. For added flexibility, it is compatible with all new and existing Bosch Professional 18 V tools and chargers (Professional 18V System). The battery also features COOLPACK 2.0 technology for superior heat dissipation from the inside to the outside of the battery. As heat can damage the cells, this COOLPACK 2.0 technology provides an impressive 135% longer lifetime than standard batteries, enabling it to perform for longer work periods.
Equipment & Application
The ProCORE18V 8.0 Ah Professional is a Lithium-ion (Li-ion) battery with a fuel gauge display for battery status.
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ProCORE18V 8.0Ah
Battery Pack
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Our products can be clearly identified using the ten-digit part number on the tool. Please make sure that the part number below matches the number in the information box on your tool. If the part number below does not match the one on your tool, please use our spare parts catalogue to search directly for the part you require.
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ProCORE18V 8.0Ah
Battery Pack
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Our products can be clearly identified using the ten-digit part number on the tool. Please make sure that the part number below matches the number in the information box on your tool. If the part number below does not match the one on your tool, please use our spare parts catalogue to search directly for the part you require.
Part number
Product name
ProCORE18V 8.0Ah
Battery Pack
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